Rock Creek Hill Citizens’ Association Board Elections

Dear Neighbors, Itā€™s election time again!  Itā€™s time to elect the Officers of the Board of the Rock Creek Hill Citizensā€™ Association.  Please consider getting involved in this great neighborhood.   Board members are voted in at the first meeting of every new fiscal year.  This year the meeting will be virtual and those details will […]

Rock Creek Hill Citizens’ Association Board Elections

Composting, anyone?

We have over 60 families whoā€™ve signed up so far. BUT! With about 600 households here we should aim for at least 100!! Click here to print out (pdf) the following information: ROCK CREEK HILLS COMPOSTS! RCHCA is excited to partner with Compost Crew, a locally owned green-business based in Rockville, to make food scrap

Composting, anyone?

Next RCHCA Meeting: Tues, 2/18/2020 @ 7:30 (Silver Creek MS)

Dear RCHCA,Ā Ā This is a reminder that our winter meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18 at 7:30 at the Silver Creek Middle School.Ā  Doors will open at 7:00pm.An agenda is below. Dues are $40/family/year and are due now.Ā  In order to vote at any meeting you must be up to date on dues.Ā  You can

Next RCHCA Meeting: Tues, 2/18/2020 @ 7:30 (Silver Creek MS) Read More Ā»

2019 Directories have been Distributed

Thank you to Susan Gerecht and her band of volunteers who delivered the 650 Directories to each household. Kathy BroadwaterLori Simon RusinowitzSarah KaganSandi CaveTina KingsberryAnn BattleTerrill MarshallMary Beth TaylorSteve PalladinoAnu VenkataKathleen HolmaySuzanne MintzMaria DingerChris HankinBetsy SanfordGail RibasEliana Sachar(apologies to anyone I missed) If for some reason reason you have not received a directory, pleaseĀ email Susan

2019 Directories have been Distributed

M-NCPPC voted 9 to 1 to not concur with the alternatives retained for detailed study (ARDS) proposed by the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA)

Subject: M-NCPPC voted 9 to 1 to not concur with the alternatives retained for detailed study (ARDS) proposed by the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA).

M-NCPPC voted 9 to 1 to not concur with the alternatives retained for detailed study (ARDS) proposed by the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) Read More Ā»