RCHCA Online News – October 2015

Rock Creek Hills Citizensā€™ Association Newsletter ā€“ Fall Meeting ā€“ October 2015 The Fall Meeting of the Rock Creek Hills Citizensā€™ Association will be held on Monday, October 26, at 7:30 PM, at Grace Episcopal Day School, 9411 Connecticut Avenue. The agenda will include the minutes of the last meeting, the treasurerā€™s report, discussion of

RCHCA Online News – October 2015

Dear neighbors, The Fall Meeting of the Rock Creek Hills Citizens’ Association will take place at 7:30 PM on Monday, October 26th, in the Multipurpose Room of Grace Episcopal Day School, at 9411 Connecticut Avenue. With best regards, Jim Pekar President, Rock Creek Hills Citizens’ Association


Notice Neighborhood Road Closures This Weekend: Saturday Sept 19

IMPORTANT NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURES 22nd Annual Kensington 8K Race | Saturday, September 19, 2015 A Town of Kensington Event | Benefiting KP, NB, & WJ Schools **** KENSINGTON AREA ROADS CLOSED **** TO ON-STREET PARKING & TRAFFIC, ROLLING FROM 7:00AM ā€“ 10:30AM ON SATURDAY 9/19/15 Roads Closed (All Times Are Approximate Within 15 minutes):

Notice Neighborhood Road Closures This Weekend: Saturday Sept 19 Read More Ā»

Please Visit our Booth at the Labor Day Parade: Villages of Kensington

Dear Neighbors: You are invited to come and visit our exhibit Booth #14 so you can meet us and learn more about our Villages of Kensington (VoK) and how we plan to offer volunteer services, social and educational activities to Kensington residents, based on what people have told us theyā€™d like us to provide. We

Please Visit our Booth at the Labor Day Parade: Villages of Kensington Read More Ā»