2025 RCHCA Dues

Happy New Year!  With the New Year it’s time to pay your 2025 dues for membership in the Rock Creek Hills Citizens’ Association. 

If you are reading this email, you are on the Rock Creek Hills listserv, one of many community services funded by the yearly $40 per household contribution to the Rock Creek Hills Citizens’ Association.

We are reaching out to you now to ask for your 2025 contribution to Rock Creek Hills Citizens’ Association. The fastest and easiest way to pay your household dues is to go towww.rchca.org and click on the ‘Pay Now’ button, which will take you to PayPal to pay your dues. The dues are voluntary, but we encourage every household to pay them. If you are able, please consider donating more than the standard $40 dues to support your neighborhood, as the cost of providing services has increased over time and our dues level has remained constant for many years.

The Rock Creek Hills Citizens’ Association Board uses your contributions to provide all routine Association costs, including:

  • Beautifying and maintaining our neighborhood traffic circles, which work historically has been done largely by community volunteers using supplies paid for by the Citizen’s Association but which increasingly must be performed by contractors as our volunteers have had to step back from their prior — and very-much-appreciated — physical contributions.
  • Funding our neighborhood parties.
  • Paying for the neighborhood listserv, where we can share a community forum and updates about events and community concerns.
  • Maintaining an online Neighborhood Directory, which is regularly updated.    Residents can update their own information at https://rchca.membershiptoolkit.com  If you can’t log in, please email [email protected] to configure your access.
  • Producing a hard-copy Neighborhood Directory every three years.  We are planning an updated printed directory in 2025.
  • Sponsoring and maintaining the Association’s website (www.rchca.org).
  • Sponsoring association business meetings with important presentations on issues impacting the neighborhood, such as the traffic impact of the Festival of Lights, and ongoing discussions regarding sidewalks in the neighborhood.  Please note that your dues payment qualifies you to vote on community decisions made at these meetings.
  • Monitoring and enforcing the neighborhood covenants for properties that have covenants governed by Rock Creek Hills Covenants, Inc. These covenants are intended to maintain the special park-like appeal of Rock Creek Hills.

These services support our entire community and provide value to every homeowner in our neighborhood. We ask every household to please support these services by contributing. You can pay online today at www.rchca.org. You also can mail or drop off a check for $40 (or more) payable to RCHCA, attention Treasurer Mike Baker, 10001 Stoneybrook Drive, Kensington, MD 20895.

The Rock Creek Hills Citizens’ Association Board and its overlapping covenants-enforcement board are all-volunteer organizations managed by members of this community. The Spring Rock Creek Hills Citizens Association will be in the March – April time frame. Temple Festival of Lights Traffic and sidewalks will be on the agenda. The spring meeting includes elections, and we are seeking volunteers to serve on all positions of the Board: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

If you are interested in doing more to support our neighborhood, or have ideas for ways to improve our community, please share your thoughts by email to the Citizens’ Association Board at:  [email protected].

Thank you for your contributions to RCHCA and to our wonderful neighborhood. They are greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

The Rock Creek Hills Citizen Association Board of Directors
