RCHCANet Stats from Mike Baker

FYI, There are 362 active email addresses registered for RCHCAnet. This number isnā€™t easily correlated to the number of households represented on RCHCAnet, since many households have multiple email addresses registered (e.g. home, work, multiple household members, etc.) The total number of email addresses registered for RCHCAnet is 398. There are 36 bouncing email addresses. […]

RCHCANet Stats from Mike Baker

Note re Anticipated Testimony for April 9 Planning Board Meeting

Dear Members – On Monday, April 9 the Planning Board will be hearing testimony on the recent Site Selection Advisory Report and Superintendent Starr’s recommendations to place the new BCC Middle School #2 in Rock Creek Hills Local Park. You have been urged to appear and show your support for the RCHCA opposition to this

Note re Anticipated Testimony for April 9 Planning Board Meeting Read More Ā»