Special Meeting Regarding Proposed Middle School Location in Rock Creek Hills

Special Meeting Regarding Proposed Middle School Location in Rock Creek Hills ā€¢ Tuesday, May 17, 7:30pm-9:30pm ā€¢ North Chevy Chase Elementary School ā€¢ 3700 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy Chase There will be a special meeting of the Rock Creek Hills Citizens Association to address the Board of Educationā€™s April 28, 2011 decision to conduct a

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Rock Creek Hills to Organize Neighbor Watch Group

On May 5, the County Police Officer Denise Gill spoke at a Rock Creek Hills Citizens Association meeting, explaining how to prevent home and car break-ins and other crimes via Neighborhood Watch (NW) programs. After a number of recent incidents, residents concerned about the likely increase during the warm weather seasons are beginning to organize

Rock Creek Hills to Organize Neighbor Watch Group Read More Ā»