Please Visit our Booth at the Labor Day Parade: Villages of Kensington

Dear Neighbors:

You are invited to come and visit our exhibit Booth #14 so you can meet us and learn more about our Villages of Kensington (VoK) and how we plan to offer volunteer services, social and educational activities to Kensington residents, based on what people have told us they’d like us to provide. We have made a great deal of progress since the beginning of this year including expanding our Steering Committee to include members from several other Kensington communities, establishing a Board of Directors, creating By-Laws and compiling the preliminary results from our needs assessment survey. Our plan is to open for business as soon as our application for non-profit status, submitted recently, is approved early next year. We hope that many of you will want to join us in this exciting venture.

Meanwhile, come and visit us on Armory Avenue, about halfway between Town Hall and Knowles Avenue. We’ll be on the same side of the street as St. Paul’s Methodist Church.

Looking forward to meeting you,


PS: please see our website and Facebook below.

Suzanne Bowler, Ph.D.
Vice President