Board Correspondence

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2011 05 17 Final Board Letter on May 17 meeting_of the Rock Creek Hills Citizens Association

The two letters below involve the 9+ year effort to obtain train horn noise relief via a Quiet Zone at Forest Glen Crossing.  RCHCA voted overwhelmingly to support this effort in our May 2002.   In 2007, Sen. Cardin and Rep. Van Hollen elicited a commitment by MDOT (MD Dept. of Transportation) to pass along the application for a Quiet Zone to the FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) with a “neutral position”, even though it does not support Quiet Zones in concept.  In October 2009, MDOT, under a new Secretary, appears to have changed its position to one of pure opposition.  In response to my pointing out this change in the RCHCA letter to Senator Cardin and Rep. Van Hollen, and the concern that it may kill the Quiet Zone effort,  Rep. Van Hollen wrote the second letter to the new MDOT Secretary, pointing out this prior commitment which many of his constituents have relied upon, and asking for a review and advisory of the situation.